In September 2022, FSVC received funding from the U.S. Department of State’s Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund (FTIF) to launch a program promoting budget transparency through grassroots and civil society-led initiatives, while supporting the implementation of public financial management reforms in Mauritania.
FSVC will structure practical, demand-driven activities designed to equip the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (GIRM) to undertake reforms on its own, ensuring sustainability following the completion of the program. FSVC will implement a 24-month program with two objectives:
1) Build capacity of CSOs to analyze budget and advocate for budget transparency.
FSVC will seek to build a cadre of CSOs that are more effective and proactive in 1) monitoring the execution of national and foreign aid budgets, 2) advocating for greater budget transparency and disclosure of key budget documents, and 3) improving their participation in the formulation, and governance of, budgets.
2) Strengthen GIRM budget disclosure, planning and audit capability.
FSVC will assist the GIRM on their disclosure, planning and audit capabilities by 1) providing a workshop introducing international budget watchdog agencies and their methodology for assessing budget processes; 2) assisting the Ministry of Finance in drafting and disseminating a Citizens Budget and reviewing the Mid-Year Review template; and 3) working with the Supreme Audit Institution (Cour des Comptes) on enhancing audit reports.
Program Impact
- Provided CSOs with a summary of key budget transparency principles, including an overview of the International Budget Partnership and the Open Budget Survey process.
- Strengthened CSOs’ ability to engage in discussions with government institutions on budget transparency through facilitating role-play exercises with simulated roundtable discussions.
- Trained the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in open budget principles, with a focus on designing and disseminating its first-ever Citizens’ Budget.
- Designed a strategic roadmap to help the MoF lead the effective implementation of the results-based budgeting framework with select line ministries. The roadmap will support the successful adherence of GIRM institutions to the new reform.