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Statement Regarding the Events in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021

The storming of the U.S. Capitol by a mob with the intention of disrupting the final stage of the U.S. Presidential electoral process represents an attack on American democracy, without parallel since the British sacking of the Capitol during the War of 1812.

In our work at the Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC), we have long asserted that a sound financial sector and the rule of law are two of the most critical underpinnings of a stable, functioning market economy. The United States has been a beacon of these principles, not just throughout FSVC’s 30-year history, but over the quarter of a millennium that this country has existed. It is a humbling and deeply disturbing experience to see one of the core principles underlying our work across the emerging market world – the rule of law — violated in the United States. This attack on democracy has challenged another of FSVC’s core values as well, given that our work at its most successful leads to the expansion of a middle class with a greater stake in a country’s economic and political outcomes. The United States needs to remain a beacon to the world of these vital values.

Those who broke the law and rampaged through the most cherished hall of American democracy, along with those who incited this violence, need to be held accountable. The actions of the police, which seemed almost deferential to hoodlums and extremists, also need to be investigated, particularly at a time when the recent harsh police treatment of Black Lives Matter demonstrators around the country stands in stark contrast.

Our democracy in the United States is surely still strong; it has met, and will continue to meet, challenges. At FSVC, our volunteers will continue to represent America at its best. And through our work we will continue to promote strong financial sectors, the rule of law and a better quality of life for all people in the countries that seek our assistance.


J. Andrew Spindler

President & CEO

Financial Services Volunteer Corps