In July 2019, FSVC launched the SHIGA program in Niger focused on strengthening political accountability and policymaking, as well as fostering stronger civil society engagement. In April 2022, FSVC received a cost-extension for additional programming focused on Women, Peace and Security. This program is funded by USAID.

The aim of the program is for Niger’s civil society to engage the government more effectively, and for key government institutions to be more effective in their mandates and meet the needs of Nigerien citizens. To do so, SHIGA focuses on the following four objectives:

  1. Civil society more actively and effectively hold the government accountable and build demand for targeted policy reforms and improved government implementation;
  2. Targeted government institutions are more accountable to citizens, and more efficient and transparent in their operations;
  3. Constructive engagement spaces between citizens, civil society and the state to identify and implement targeted priority reforms are created and strengthened; and
  4. Women are valued economic agents contributing to their household’s economy and community’s recovery and resilience to conflict and extremism.

Program Impact

Objective 1: Civil Society

To date, FSVC has launched civil society incubators in the cities of Niamey, Maradi, Zinder, Diffa and Tillabery.  These civil society incubators have built the capacity of seven cohorts of civil society organizations (CSOs) representing a total of 98 CSOs. Each participating CSO goes through a capacity building needs assessment, based on which a tailored work plan is designed. The CSO then benefits from training, workshop, individual coaching, group discussions and funding. Topics covered include developing policies and procedures, fundraising, advocacy, communication, community engagement, and constructively engaging with the government on policy issues.


Objective 2: Government Institutions

FSVC supported the Office of the Ombudsman in the installation of his regional delegate in Zinder and the organization of the first-ever regional public hearing. The Ombudsman’s team received 13 submissions, representing a total of 965 citizens. Since then, citizens have continued to submit complaints to the regional delegate.


FSVC conducted an analysis of the current level of implementation of the Charter on Access to Information and drafted a roadmap to guide different stakeholders in further implementing the Charter, which will help increase government transparency.


FSVC trained the Supreme Audit Institution in auditing best practices. As a result of FSVC’s assistance, the audit report was widely disseminated and used by journalists and CSOs for monitoring and advocacy.


Objective 3: Engagement

To provide a space for citizens to engage with government institutions and civil society structures, and to highlight the importance of access to information, FSVC organizes an annual Open Door on Access to Information with key government institutions, the Press House and CSOs. This event brings together more than 500 visitors every year on average, and receives positive press coverage. FSVC’s program marked the first time that the International Day for Universal Access to Information Day was celebrated in Niger.


FSVC worked closely with the Ministry of Women’s Promotion and Child Protection and UN Women to organize the commemoration of International Women’s Day. To raise awareness around Niger’s National Action Plan II on women, peace and security, FSVC created and spread a short video displaying prominent Nigerien female figures expressing their strong support for the National Action Plan.


Objective 4: Women, Peace, and Security

FSVC is creating spaces for dialogue between women, local community members and defense and security forces. For example, FSVC held a weekend of debates and activities with students from the University of Tillabery. These events provide a unique platform to discuss the role and place of Nigerien women in peace and security processes.


FSVC has conducted a gender and conflict analysis, a security risk analysis, and an assessment of the economic opportunities for women in conflict affected areas. These assessments have shaped FSVC’s WPS work in Tillabery and Diffa.  In particular, they have helped target communities of women that now benefit from a literacy program organized under SHIGA.